Holy Cross Abbey owns an impressive collection of approximately 30.000 coins, dating like the art collection, from the days of Abbot Robert Leeb (1728 – 17559. This was the time when many other collections were started in Europe – by sovereigns as well as by bishops and monasteries. This historical evidence was used on the one hand for education, but on the other hand these witnesses of the past were to be preserved for the future and later educational purposes. Finally this collection was also used to secure representation.
The coin collection was considerably enlarged by P.Johann Nepomuk Weiß Ocist (+ 1858), P.Dominik Bilimek Ocist (1813 – 1884), who did a lot of travelling and by Prof. P.Dr. Wilhelm NeumannOCist , who lived in in the second half of the 19th century. The end of the 19th century, however, saw the end of collecting at the abbey.
The collection comprises genuine coins dating from antiquity to our days. Among our coins there are also forgeries from the 16/17th centuries, which are interesting from the historical point of view. In about 1976 Abbot Gauermann enlarged the collection by approx. 4.000 coins by including the numismatic collection of the former independent Abbey Neukloster. Further additions to the collection come from coins discovered near the abbey and some are presents given to the abbey. Among the numismatic gifts the medals of various popes are outstanding. This part of the collection is still increasing.
Hanna-Lisa Karasch, Ein „Schwarzfahrer“ unter den kaiserlichen Münzen? Einem „Paduaner“ auf der Spur, in: Sancta Crux, Zeitschrift des Stiftes Heiligenkreuz 2013, S. 167-171, 74. Jg., Nr. 130,
Be&Be-Verlag, Heiligenkreuz 2014.